The Magic of “What if?…”

6 min readMar 10, 2021

The Magic of “What if?…”

Jun 5

Written By Hilary Adams

In all artistic work, and in life, there has to be a willingness to hold in the heart the invigorating brisk wind of “What if…?”

We let go of any ballast holding us back from being tossed and turned by the currents. In all creations, and in all stories of creating, there is a very real possibility of disaster, of things not turning out as planned.

Art May Be a Disaster Sign
Art May Be a Disaster Sign

“The life of any human being is a constant act of creation, from the moment we’re born.”

The Book of Ichigo Ichie

One of my favorite tools to use in a theatre process are the words “What if…?” They are magical words that free up limiting thoughts and invite jumping into play and invention with the gusto that children do.

When we are stuck in a scene, when it just won’t come together, we can ask “What if…?” and try something out of left field, something very different, because those two words are an agreement that we are in a mode of experimentation and so we can think waaaaay out of the box if we want to. Of course, we always could do this…




Life Coach + Artist. Obsessed with transformational change. Passionate for horses, stories & tea. Always curious. Connect with me at